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Considering A Hair Transplant -Comprehensive Guide

Considering a Hair Transplant: A Comprehensive Guide by NeoGraft Hair Clinic Understanding Hair Loss Before considering a hair transplant in Chandigarh, it’s essential to understand hair loss, the various types, and their causes. From dietary factors and lifestyle habits to genetic predisposition, numerous factors can contribute to hair loss. Dietary Influences on Hair Loss A well-balanced diet plays a crucial role in maintaining healthy hair. Deficiencies in essential nutrients like iron, zinc, vitamins A, B, C, and E, and proteins can lead to hair thinning and loss. Consuming a balanced diet rich in these nutrients can support hair health and reduce hair loss. Lifestyle Factors: Lack of Exercise and Sleep Our lifestyle choices significantly affect our hair health. Lack of exercise can limit blood flow to the scalp, resulting in lesser nutrient supply to the hair follicles, leading to weakened hair and hair loss. Similarly, inadequate sleep disrupts the body’s repair and rejuvenation processes, affecting hair growth. Stress-Induced Hair Loss High-stress jobs and living situations can contribute to various health issues, including hair loss. Chronic stress triggers the body’s fight or flight response, releasing hormones that can disrupt the hair growth cycle and lead to hair shedding. Strategies to manage stress, such as mindfulness techniques, regular exercise, and sufficient rest, can help mitigate hair loss. Male Pattern Baldness Genetics play a pivotal role in male pattern baldness. Typically, if baldness runs in your family, you’re more likely to experience it. Research suggests that male pattern baldness is influenced 60% by maternal genes and 40% by paternal genes. Considering Hair Transplant at NeoGraft Hair Clinic, Chandigarh Address Ongoing Hair Loss First Before going for a hair transplant at NeoGraft Hair Clinic, with more than 12 years of experience in the field, ongoing hair loss must be addressed first. If hair loss continues post-transplant, it could lead to further thinning and balding, necessitating another transplant. Treatments such as minoxidil, finasteride, or low-level laser therapy may be used to manage ongoing hair loss. Understand Hair Transplant Is Not a Cure for Hair Loss It’s crucial to understand that a hair transplant is not a cure for hair loss. Hair transplantation is a cosmetic procedure that fills in bald areas with your own hair. However, it doesn’t stop or treat the underlying hair loss. Therefore, a multi-faceted approach may be needed to manage ongoing hair loss and maintain the results of the transplant. Choosing the Right Hair Transplant Technique There are various hair transplant techniques available, such as Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) and Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE). Consult with a hair transplant specialist at NeoGraft Hair Clinic in Chandigarh to determine which method suits your hair loss pattern, lifestyle, and expectations best. In conclusion, understanding the cause of your hair loss and addressing it effectively is the first step before considering a hair transplant. Consult with a hair transplant specialist at NeoGraft Hair Clinic in Chandigarh to discuss your options, manage your expectations, and make an informed decision about the procedure.

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Hair transplant for eyebrows

Hair Transplant For Eyebrows Hair transplant for eyebrows -Eyebrows are a prominent facial feature that frame the eyes and contribute to the overall symmetry and attractiveness of the face. Nevertheless, many individuals experience eyebrow hair loss due to genetics, ageing, or overplucking. In recent years, hair transplant surgery has become a common and effective treatment for eyebrow baldness. This article will discuss the benefits, risks, and considerations of eyebrow hair transplant surgery.  What exactly is Eyebrow Hair Transplantation?  In eyebrow hair transplant surgery, hair follicles are transplanted from one area of the body to the eyebrow region. Typically, hair is harvested from the scalp, where it is stronger and less likely to fall out. The harvested hair follicles are then transplanted into the eyebrow region to create a fuller, more natural-looking brow. Depending on the extent of the transplant, the procedure is typically performed under local anaesthesia and can take a few hours to complete.  Advantages of Eyebrow Hair Transplantation  Those suffering from alopecia can reap numerous benefits from undergoing a brow hair transplant. First, the procedure can create thicker, more defined eyebrows, which improves facial symmetry and overall beauty. In addition, transplanted hair grows normally and requires minimal maintenance. In contrast to makeup and other temporary solutions, a hair transplant is a permanent solution for eyebrow hair loss.  Eligibility for Eyebrow Hair Transplantation  Not all individuals qualify for eyebrow hair transplant surgery. In most cases, candidates have experienced eyebrow hair loss due to genetics, ageing, or excessive plucking. In addition, candidates must have healthy, transplantable donor hair on their scalp. To determine if you are a suitable candidate for the procedure, it is essential to consult with an experienced and qualified surgeon.  Risks Associated with Eyebrow Hair Transplantation  The risks and side effects of eyebrow hair transplant surgery are comparable to those of any surgical procedure. Infection, bleeding, and scarring are examples of common dangers. Moreover, some patients may experience temporary redness, swelling, and itching in the transplanted region. However, these risks can be minimised by selecting a qualified and experienced surgeon.  Considerations Regarding Eyebrow Hair Transplantation  Before undergoing eyebrow hair transplant surgery, several factors must be considered. First, the procedure’s price can vary based on the extent of the transplant and the surgeon’s level of expertise. Additionally, multiple sessions may be required to achieve the desired results. Lastly, it is essential to have reasonable expectations for the procedure’s outcome. Although eyebrow hair transplant surgery can provide significant improvement, it may not produce symmetrical or natural-looking eyebrows. Conclusion For those experiencing eyebrow hair loss, eyebrow hair transplant surgery is a viable option. The procedure can provide numerous benefits, including eyebrows that appear fuller and more natural. Before undergoing the procedure, it is important to consider candidature, potential risks, and cost. Consult with an experienced and qualified surgeon to determine if eyebrow hair transplant surgery is right for you if you are considering undergoing the procedure.

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Hair transplant in female clients

hair transplant in female clients hair transplant in females Loss of hair is a common problem that affects both men and women, and it can be a stressful and embarrassing issue for both sexes. Although hair transplant surgery is most commonly associated with male pattern baldness, it is also a treatment option for female pattern baldness that can be considered. The topic of female hair transplant surgery will be discussed in this article on the blog. Topics to be covered include the benefits, risks, and candidates for the procedure.  What exactly is meant by the term “female hair transplant surgery”?  The cosmetic procedure known as female hair transplant surgery involves moving hair follicles from one part of the body to another in order to restore hair loss. In most cases, the balding or thinning areas of the scalp are treated with hair transplantation, which involves harvesting hair from the back or sides of the scalp, where hair growth is still robust, and transplanting it to the balding or thinning areas of the scalp. The process entails the removal of individual hair follicles from the scalp and the subsequent placement of those follicles in the scalp through the use of very small incisions. Our most recent innovation, the new platinum dht, is producing outstandingly positive outcomes. The ideal candidates for hair transplantation are those individuals who have been diagnosed with traction baldness, particularly women. This process typically only takes a single day, and the patient can go back home as soon as the operation is over.  Advantages of Having Hair Transplant Surgery Done on Women  The results of hair transplant surgery on women can be life-changing, giving patients the appearance of a fuller head of hair as well as a boost in self-confidence. The transplanted hair looks completely natural and can be styled and maintained in the same manner as natural hair would be. In contrast to other treatments for hair loss, such as medications or topical solutions, hair transplant surgery yields results that are permanent in nature.  Qualification for Hair Transplantation in Female Patients  Hair transplant surgery can only be performed on certain cases of female clients. It’s possible that women who are balding because of hormonal imbalances, thyroid problems, or other underlying medical conditions won’t be good candidates for this procedure. In addition, women who have a hair loss pattern known as diffuse hair loss or hair thinning throughout the scalp may not have a donor area that is robust enough to support a hair transplant. It is critical that you have a conversation with a surgeon who is both experienced and qualified in order to determine whether or not you are a good candidate for the procedure.  Possible Complications Associated with Hair Transplantation in Women  The surgical procedure of hair transplantation is not immune to the risks and complications that are associated with other types of surgical procedures. Infection, bleeding, and scarring are examples of some of the more common risks. In addition, it is possible for some patients to experience temporary redness, swelling, and itching in the area that was transplanted. However, these risks can be reduced to a manageable level by selecting a surgeon who possesses both experience and qualifications.  Conclusion  Hair transplant surgery on women is a procedure that can be performed on women who are experiencing hair loss. The treatment yields results that are long-lasting and has the potential to have a profound impact on patients’ levels of self-confidence. To determine if you are an appropriate candidate for the procedure and to minimise the possibility of adverse effects and risks, it is essential, however, to have a consultation with a surgeon who is both experienced and qualified in the field. If you are experiencing hair loss and are thinking about getting hair transplant surgery, it is imperative that you meet with a reputable professional to discuss the various procedures that are available to you.

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Is hair transplant worth it ?

Is hair transplant worth it ? Millions of people experience hair loss on a regular basis, which can cause stress and self-consciousness.  Hair transplant surgery is one of the most widely used hair loss treatments, despite the fact that there are many other options.  However, many people might question whether a hair transplant is worthwhile given the expense and possible risks of the procedure.  We will examine the issue of whether hair transplant surgery is cost-effective in this blog post.  What is a surgical hair transplant?  Transplanting hair from one area of the body to another is a cosmetic procedure known as hair transplant surgery.  The majority of the time, hair is removed from the sides or back of the scalp, where hair growth is still vigorous, and then transplanted to the areas of the scalp that are balding or thinning.  Individual hair follicles are removed from the scalp and then implanted into the scalp using very small incisions.  Hair Transplantation Cost  Cost is one of the primary factors that people take into account when determining whether hair transplant surgery is worthwhile.  The cost of hair transplant surgery can range from a few thousand dollars to tens of thousands of dollars.  However, it’s crucial to take the procedure’s long-term advantages into account.  While some treatments, like topical creams or drugs, might be less expensive up front, they might not have the same long-term effects as a hair transplant.  hair transplantation results  With a fuller head of hair and an increase in self-confidence, hair transplant surgery results can be life-changing for patients.  The implanted hair has a natural appearance and can be styled and maintained in the same ways as natural hair.  Within three to six months of the procedure, patients can anticipate new hair growth, which can continue for up to a year.  Surgery for hair transplants may have some risks.  Hair transplant surgery has potential risks and side effects, just like any surgical procedure.  Scarring, bleeding, and infection are a few typical risks.  A temporary redness, swelling, and itching in the transplanted area may also occur in some patients.  By picking a skilled and experienced surgeon, these risks can be reduced. Is hair transplant for Worth ? The value of hair transplant surgery ultimately depends on your unique circumstances and objectives.  The expense and possible risks might outweigh the advantages for some people.  For many others, however, the long-term benefits and increased confidence are worth the investment.  If you’re thinking about getting a hair transplant, it’s important to speak with a skilled and experienced surgeon to go over your options and see if the procedure is right for you.  Conclusion  Although hair transplant surgery is a well-liked and successful method of treating hair loss, it may not be the best choice for everyone.  The procedure’s price and possible risks should be taken into account, but the long-term advantages and increased self-confidence might make the investment worthwhile.  If you’re thinking about getting a hair transplant, talk to a skilled and qualified surgeon to go over your options and see if the procedure is right for you.

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Is Hair transplant a permanent procedure

Is Hair transplant a permanent procedure Understanding Hair Transplant: Is it a Permanent Procedure? For those suffering from hair thinning, baldness, and hair fall, hair transplant is an attractive solution that promises long-lasting results. While there are different hair restoration techniques available in the market, hair transplant is the most popular and effective choice among them. If you are considering hair transplant, you may wonder if the results are permanent. Let’s explore the topic in depth. 1. Understanding the Procedure Hair transplant is a surgical procedure that involves taking hair follicles from a donor area and transplanting them into the recipient area. The donor area is usually located in the back of the head, where the hair is thick and dense, while the recipient area is the bald or thinning area. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia, with minimal pain or scarring. 2. Results and Maintenance The results of hair transplant are often referred to as permanent. Once the transplanted hair follicles start growing in the recipient area, they continue to grow for a lifetime, just like natural hair. However, it is important to note that hair transplant does not prevent further hair loss or thinning. It only restores hair in the bald or thinning areas. Therefore, you may need to undergo multiple sessions of hair transplant over time to maintain the desired results. 3. Factors Affecting the Results The success of hair transplant depends on several factors, including the skill and experience of the surgeon, the quality and quantity of the donor hair, and the patient’s overall health condition. The surgeon’s technique and precision in extracting and transplanting the hair follicles play a crucial role in ensuring natural-looking results. Moreover, the patient’s lifestyle, habits, and nutrition can also affect the success of hair transplant. For instance, smoking, drinking, and stress can all contribute to hair loss and affect the growth of transplanted hair. 4. Alternative Treatments Although hair transplant is a popular and effective way to restore hair, it is not the only option. Non-surgical hair restoration techniques, such as hair loss medications, growth factor treatment therapy, and laser therapy, can also provide significant results with less downtime and lower costs. However, these treatments may not be suitable or effective for everyone, and they may require ongoing maintenance and use. 5. Final Thoughts In conclusion, hair transplant can be a permanent solution to hair loss and baldness, but it is not a one-time fix. You may need multiple sessions of hair transplant over time, coupled with good lifestyle habits and maintenance, to maintain the desired results. If you are considering hair transplant, it is essential to choose a skilled and experienced surgeon who can provide natural-looking results with minimal risk and downtime. Lastly, before opting for any hair restoration technique, consult with a qualified hair specialist to determine the best approach for your unique needs and expectations. Conclusion: Hair transplant is a viable option for restoring hair and achieving lasting results. However, it is vital to understand that the success of the procedure depends on various factors and requires ongoing maintenance and care. By choosing the right surgeon and following good lifestyle habits, you can ensure natural-looking and satisfying results. If you are experiencing hair loss or baldness, consult with a hair specialist to explore your options and determine the best approach for your situation.

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Hair transplant for broad forehead

Hair transplant for big broad forehead Everything You Need to Know about Hair Transplant for Big Forehead A big forehead can be a source of poor self-esteem and confidence for many people. The way we look and present ourselves to others can have a significant impact on our daily lives. If you’re someone who’s been struggling with hair thinning, baldness, and hair fall, you’ve probably considered hair transplant as a solution to your problem. In this blog post, we will discuss everything you need to know about hair transplant for a big forehead, so you can make an informed decision about the procedure. What is Hair Transplant? Hair transplant is a surgical procedure that involves the transfer of hair follicles from the donor area (usually the back of the head) to the recipient areas where hair is thinning or balding. There are two types of hair transplant techniques: FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) and FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation). FUE involves the removal of individual hair follicles from the donor area, while FUT involves the removal of a strip of skin with hair follicles from the donor area. Factors to Consider Before Hair Transplant: Before you consider hair transplant, there are several factors you need to consider. Firstly, hair transplant is a surgical procedure that comes with some risks, such as bleeding, infection, scarring, and nerve damage. Secondly, not everyone is a good candidate for hair transplant, and it’s important to consult with a qualified hair transplant surgeon to assess your individual needs and suitability. Lastly, hair transplant can be expensive, and you need to factor in the cost before making a decision. Hair Transplant Procedure for Big Forehead: The hair transplant procedure for a big forehead is the same as that for other areas of the scalp. The surgeon will take into account the shape of your forehead and hairline, as well as your individual hair characteristics, to create a natural-looking hairline that complements your facial features. The number of grafts required for the procedure will depend on the extent of baldness and the size of the forehead. Recovery and Aftercare: Recovery from hair transplant typically takes several weeks. During this time, you’ll need to avoid heavy exercises, direct sun exposure, and alcohol consumption. The transplanted hair will fall out within a few weeks of the procedure but will start to grow back within a few months. To ensure the best results, it’s crucial to follow the aftercare instructions provided by your surgeon. This may include keeping the scalp clean, taking prescribed medication, and avoiding styling products. Conclusion: Hair transplant can be an effective solution for individuals struggling with hair thinning, baldness, and hair fall. However, it’s important to carefully consider the factors involved and find a qualified hair transplant surgeon. Choosing the right surgeon and following the aftercare instructions are critical to ensure the best possible results. With proper care, you can achieve a natural-looking hairline that restores your confidence and self-esteem.

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Normal and abnormal hairfall

Normal and abnormal hair fall Understanding the Difference between Normal and Abnormal Hair Fall   Hair fall is a common concern for both men and women. Losing a few strands of hair every day is considered normal, but when hair loss becomes excessive, it can be a cause of worry. Normal hair fall happens due to the hair cycle, where hair grows, rests, and then falls off to make way for new hair growth. However, various factors can disrupt this process, leading to abnormal hair fall or hair loss. In this blog post, we will discuss the difference between normal and abnormal hair fall, causes, and ways to prevent it. Normal Hair Fall: On an average, people lose around 10-20 strands of hair daily, which is considered normal. Shedding hair is part of the natural hair growth cycle, where old hair falls to make way for new hair to grow. Losing a few strands of hair during grooming, such as combing or washing, is also normal. Hair fall can be seasonal; people usually experience more hair shedding during the autumn and spring season. Moreover, hair fall varies by age and gender, and it can be different for men and women. Abnormal Hair Fall: Abnormal hair fall is excessive hair loss that goes beyond the normal daily hair shedding. It is a symptom of an underlying condition, such as alopecia areata, telogen effluvium, traction alopecia, or androgenetic alopecia. In some cases, abnormal hair fall can happen due to stress, diet, hormones, medications, or iron deficiency. It also happens when the hair growth cycle is disrupted, leading to hair thinning or bald patches. Therefore, it is essential to identify the cause and seek medical attention if you experience abnormal hair fall. Causes of Hair Fall: Hair fall happens due to various factors, some of which are: Genetics: Heredity is the most common cause of hair fall in men and women. Hormones: Imbalances in hormones can lead to hair fall, such as pregnancy or menopause in women, and androgenetic alopecia in men. Stress: Stress can disrupt the hair growth cycle, leading to hair loss. Diet: A lack of essential nutrients in the diet, such as iron, can lead to hair fall. Prevention of Hair Fall: While some factors that lead to hair fall cannot be controlled, such as genetics, other causes are preventable. Here are some ways to prevent hair fall: Eat a healthy diet rich in vitamins and minerals to support hair growth. Avoid tight hairstyles that pull on the hair, such as braids or buns. Protect hair from excessive heat or chemicals, such as hair straighteners or color. Manage stress levels through meditation, exercise, or therapy. Conclusion: Hair fall is a common problem that affects both men and women. While losing a few strands of hair every day is considered normal, excessive hair loss can be a sign of an underlying condition. Knowing the difference between normal and abnormal hair fall can help identify the cause and seek the right treatment. Moreover, prevention of hair fall through a healthy diet, stress management, and protective styling can help maintain healthy hair growth. If you notice sudden or excessive hair fall, it is wise to seek medical attention to address the cause adequately. With proper care and attention, you can achieve healthy and beautiful hair.

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hair transplant in Alopecia Areata

Hair transplant in alopecia areata Are you considering getting a hair transplant on alopecia areata? If so, you have taken the first step to understanding your options. Hair transplants can be an effective treatment for alopecia areata, but it’s important to know the facts before making a decision. This article will help you understand the risks and benefits associated with hair transplant on alopecia areata, as well as how to make an informed decision about this treatment option. We will cover all of the most important aspects of hair transplants including: what is a hair transplant, how long is the process, how successful is it, and what other options are available. We will also discuss how to choose the right doctor and facility for your particular situation, and provide tips for finding the best possible outcome from your surgery. By the end of this article, you should have all the information you need to make an informed decision about hair transplant on alopecia areata. What Is Alopecia Areata and Its Causes Alopecia areata is a common autoimmune skin disease that affects the scalp, as well as other parts of the body. It can cause patches of hair loss and, in some cases, complete baldness. It affects both men and women, of all ages, and is caused by an immune system malfunction whereby the body’s own immune cells attack the hair follicles. This type of condition is typically diagnosed by a doctor or dermatologist. The exact cause of alopecia areata is unknown, but it appears to be due to a combination of genetics and environmental factors, such as stress or illness. If you’re experiencing symptoms such as patchy bald spots on your scalp or body, it’s important to see a healthcare professional to discuss diagnosis and treatment options. Hair transplants are one possible intervention for mitigating the effects of alopecia areata; however, there can be risks associated with this procedure. It’s important to consult with your doctor first before deciding whether a hair transplant is right for you. Hair Transplant for Alopecia Areata A hair transplant is an invasive procedure used to treat male-pattern baldness and other forms of hair loss. A hair transplant involves harvesting healthy hairs from the back or sides of the scalp, and transplanting them into balding areas on the head. For people with alopecia areata, a hair transplant may be an option to restore some density, though this isn’t guaranteed. Hair transplants are very individualized procedures and each patient has different goals and expectations. Generally speaking, if you have alopecia areata, your best bet for a successful hair transplant is to wait until the area of baldness stabilizes—this can take several years or more. It is also recommended to use a larger number of grafts for alopecia patients—this ensures a greater degree of success for those with this condition as compared to other types of hair loss. Ultimately, seeking professional consultation about whether or not a hair transplant could be a good fit for you can help you make an informed decision about how to best manage your hair loss from alopecia areata. Different Types of Hair Transplant Procedures If you’re considering a hair transplant to help improve your Alopecia Areata, it’s important to understand the different types of procedures available. Each procedure comes with its own set of advantages and disadvantages, so you can make an informed decision on the right one for you. The main three types of hair transplant procedures are: Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT): This is the most common type of hair transplant involving taking a strip of hair follicles from the back or sides of the scalp and grafting them into the balding areas. It provides natural-looking results and is considered a minimally invasive procedure. Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE): This revolutionary technique removes individual hair follicles from their donor sites and implants them into the scalp in small groups for a more subtle result in comparison to FUT. It also offers less downtime than other procedures as there are no sutures involved. Scalp Micropigmentation (SMP): This is a non-surgical alternative to traditional hair transplants that involves implanting tiny pigment granules into the scalp to mimic the appearance of real hair follicles–a great option for those who don’t want to go through surgery or prefer not go through a more invasive procedure. No matter which type of procedure you choose, you should always consult with your doctor first before making any decisions to ensure it is right for you. Hair Transplant Success Rates for Alopecia Areata Are hair transplants a viable option for alopecia areata? The answer is yes, but success depends upon several factors. Hair Characteristics The amount of healthy hair being moved, the number of bald patches being treated and the density of existing hair are all important factors which determine whether a hair transplant can be successful in treating alopecia areata. Before any procedure is undertaken, it’s crucial to analyze the characteristics of the donor area and the bald spots. Surgeon Specialty The degree of success also depends on both the skill and experience of the surgeon performing the procedure. It is important to find a surgeon who specializes in hair transplants for alopecia areata as this will ensure that each donor graft is properly collected, handled and used – thereby maximizing its potential for creating natural-looking results. Overall, with proper diagnosis and evaluation combined with an experienced surgeon’s skillful technique, a successful hair transplant can be achieved in many cases of alopecia areata. Possible Side Effects and Risks Associated With a Hair Transplant Hair transplants are generally considered a safe and effective solution for alopecia areata, as long as there is appropriate medical supervision. However, potential side effects and risks should be taken into account when considering a hair transplant. The most common risk associated with a hair transplant is infection. The area where the hair follicles are transplanted must be kept clean in order to ensure proper healing. In addition, scarring may occur in the donor

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When to start hair regrowth serum after hair transplant ?

When to start hair regrowth serum after hair transplant ? Well there are many divided opinions that went to start using hair regrowth serum after hair transplant. As I know according to my experience that hair root starts interacting with the skin within first few hours of transplant. By hair root interaction with the skin I mean that the blood vessels which are present in the skin around the hair root tries to push in healing cells around the hair root so that new blood vessels are created in the vicinity and this new hair root is able to get blood supply in the best possible way for its bright life at this new place. Most of people are worried of applying Hair serums after hair transplant, with a perception that the hair roots are still not strong enough to have a firm holding to the skin, there may be some sort of side effect to these new roots. Best time to start hair regrowth serum is the day when the dead skin or the crust get removed from top of the planted hairs. I will advise you to use biopeptide hair serum 1ml dose on top of the head twice a day. And the serum which we are applying should not be limited only to the transplanted area, rather than should be spread on evenly on the entire top of the head. This will stop further progression of baldness and hair loss.

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Hair transplant repair for bad botched up hair transplant

Hair transplant for bad botched up hair transplant HAIR TRANSPLANT FAILURES RESULTING FROM BAD TECHNIQUE, A WEAK DONOR AREA, OR CONFUSED ASSESSMENT REGARDING THE DONOR AREA CAN LEAD TO A LOT OF DAVASTATION IN THE FINAL RESULT OF A HAIR TRANSPLANT. We are seeing an ever-increasing number of clients who need hair transplant repair as a result of the proliferation of new clinics all over the place that make the claim to provide the best hair transplant. The majority of clients can be easily persuaded to undergo transplantation if false claims and attractive pricing are used. The majority of the cases that come to us for repair were previously treated with the procedure using such substandard instruments that the scarring prevents us from repairing the transplant. The donor area and the recipient area have both sustained significant damage. In these kinds of situations, we begin treatment with medicines that dissolve scar tissue first, and only after that do we move on to the hair transplant procedure. The argument is as follows. This gentleman had a hair transplant a few years ago, and as a result, all of the hair on his hairline is pointing in the wrong direction. Even the minimum number of grafts that were required were not placed. We had to begin by performing a complete extraction, and after that, we had to replant the hair that had been removed along with a new lot of hair taken from a donor area that was severely damaged.

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