Neograft Hair Transplant Clinic

Hair Transplant In Panchkula

Hair Transplant In Panchkula – Welcome to Hair Transplant Clinic In Panchkula at Neograft Hair Clinic, we are the most trusted and demanded Hair Transplant In Panchkula. As we know that hair loss is common among both men as well as women. Most peoples lose hair and they are suffering from baldness. Every people holds their beauty but the problem arises for those persons who have hair loss problems and due to hair problems they look unattractive.

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hair transplant cost chandigarh india-Neograft hair clinic

hair transplant cost chandigarh india-Neograft hair clinic Cost of hair transplant comprise following elements 1.   O.t cost : as with any surgical procedure the operation theatre remains most cost consuming  element.Operation theatre setup can vary from a very basic to very advanced depending upon cleanliness overall air flow management in the operation theatre lights and OT beds. Running search operation theatre is also a costly affair and needs continuous upgradation at part of the clinic or Hospital. 2.   Expertise of the doctor: needless to say more experienced your surgeon is more will be his free to conduct a professional surgery. 3.   The surgical difficulty level may depend on the age of the patient and the degree of balding. In some cases where the patient is younger, baldness may be limited to Grade 2 or 3. These are the types of cases that we consider ideal for hair transplantation. As the level of baldness progresses from grade 3 to 6, the firmness of the skin also increases with the hidden fibrosis at the level of each follicle. In these cases, surgery will take longer and the use of equipment may be more expensive.4.    In a particular case, the total number of graphs also determines the overall cost. There are more overhead expenses as far as equipment and consumables are concerned as the number of grafts increases. The fewer the grafts, the shorter the surgery and the lower the overhead expenses.5.    Neograft hair transplant clinic in Chandigarh charges Rs. 25 per graft for new Platinum hair transplant technique.  Neo Platinum hair transplant technology allows us to perform up to 6000 graphs in one single day.6.   An average f u e recharge costs between 17 to 20 rupees per graft. Unfortunately, we can only perform up to 3500 grafts in a single day. Grafts are also only 80% successful. As an example, if we plant 100 Grafts, 20 of them may give poor growth while the rest will grow well.7.  My grade 6 to grade 7 clients are always advised to get Neo Platinum hair transplants. Using the Neo Platinum hair transplant method can improve baldness cases of grade 6 to ​

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The 18 Most Effective Methods for Preventing Hair Loss

The 18 Most Effective Methods for Preventing Hair Loss Numerous ways exist to reduce or stop hair loss. However, what you should do will depend on the cause of your hair loss. Telogen effluvium, or hair loss during pregnancy, is an example of a condition that may resolve on its own. Additionally, keep in mind that everyone sheds hair on a daily basis, so there is no reason to be concerned. Consult a physician if your hair loss is severe or persistent. Hair loss can be triggered by a number of factors, including thyroid disease, stress, scalp infections, and androgenic alopecia. Your physician can assist you in determining the cause of your hair loss. Here are 22 suggestions to help you avoid hair thinning: 1.Diet The Mediterranean diet is extremely popular. According to a 2018 study, a Mediterranean-style diet rich in raw vegetables and fresh herbs may aid in preventing or delaying the start of androgenic alopecia (male or female pattern baldness). Over a three-day period, participants achieved the highest results when they consumed large amounts of specific items, such as parsley, basil, and salad greens. 2. Meat as a source of food The bulk of hair follicles are composed of keratin, a type of protein. Numerous dietary deficiencies were discovered in a 2017 study of 100 people with hair loss, including amino acids, which serve as the building blocks of proteins. More research is needed, but doctors believe that consuming a high protein diet may help prevent hair loss. Consuming foods such as eggs, walnuts, beans and peas, fish, low-fat dairy products, and chicken and turkey are all healthy choices. 3.Vitamin A contains retinoids, which when ingested have been shown to accelerate hair growth. Along with supporting in sebum production, this vitamin may also aid in maintaining a healthy scalp and increasing hair retention. Increase the vitamin A content of your cuisine by include sweet potatoes, sweet peppers, and spinach. Multivitamins are a good source of a variety of nutrients. According to study, vitamins A, B, C, D, iron, selenium, and zinc are all associated with hair formation and retention, particularly in cell turnover. Alternatively, you can ask your doctor to prescribe a daily multivitamin, which is readily available at most supermarkets and pharmacies. 4. Calcium Pantothenate D-Calcium Pantothenate A 2018 study found that Vitamin D may play a role in the development of non-scarring alopecia, according to credible study. Correcting any deficiencies may aid in regrowth. Consult your physician about taking 800–1000 IU of vitamin D daily. 5. Supplement with biotin Biotin, a vitamin H or B7, aids in the biological synthesis of fatty acids. If you are deficient in this stage of the hair cycle, you may experience thinning or balding. Consult your physician about daily maintenance doses of three to five milligrammes of this  Consult your physician about daily maintenance doses of three to five milligrammes of this   saw palmetto Men may benefit from supplementing with this plant, which is extracted from the berries of American dwarf pine trees, in order to maintain healthy testosterone levels. According to a 2004 journal study, over 60% of persons who took saw palmetto experienced increased hair growth. The daily dose prescribed in the study was 200 mg. 7. Ginseng is a herbal supplement. Ginseng’s phytochemicals may aid in hair development by promoting new hair growth on the scalp. Additional study is required before prescribing specific dosages. Consult your physician about taking ginseng supplements while you wait. Additionally, you may choose to experiment with topical ginseng treatments. 8. Hair cleansing on a regular basis is critical for healthy hair. By keeping your scalp clean and healthy, regular hair washing can help prevent hair loss. Use a mild shampoo to accomplish this. Abrasive solutions can cause harm to the hair by drying it out and breaking it. This may result in baldness. According to 2018 research, coconut oil may help protect hair from damage caused by style and exposure to ultraviolet (UV) light. 9. The lauric acid in coconut oil helps to bind hair protein and protects it from breakage at the root and along the strand. Applying and rubbing coconut oil into the scalp may aid in hair regeneration by increasing blood flow. 11. Olive Oil Extra Virgin Olive oil can be used to deep condition hair to avoid breakage and dryness. A Mediterranean diet rich in olive oil may help prevent genetic hair loss. To gain the best effects, apply olive oil directly to hair and leave on for 30 minutes before rinsing. 12. A more modest style. Avoid wearing your hair in tight braids or ponytails, which can cause root damage and result in increased shedding. While you’re at it, let your hair air dry to keep your scalp pleased. Curling and straightening irons, as well as other high-heat styling equipment, can cause hair to break or get damaged. 13. hair processing Hair dye and perms, which both include chemicals, can be damaging to the hair and scalp. Consult your stylist about ammonia-free hair colours or ones that do not contain peroxide or para-phenylenediamine (PPD). 14. Medical treatments 14. Medical treatments Laser treatment Hair density enhancement by the use of low-level lasers is a potential. Individuals who suffer from genetic hair loss or hair loss as a side effect of chemotherapy can consult this reputable source. As the name implies, red light therapy increases the formation of epidermal stem cells. Laser devices for the home range in price from 15 to 80 thousand dollars, depending on the number of laser diodes. You may require numerous sessions to see results. b. growth factor treatment. therapy. Plasma with a high platelet concentration To aid in hair development, platelet-rich plasma (growth factor treatment) is injected into areas of the scalp with existing hair loss. After centrifuging the blood, the platelets are isolated and injected into the scalp. In a 2017 study, 11 participants experienced a 30% boost in growth in thinning areas after four sessions. Each session, according to the

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Instructions for Dandruff treatment

Dandruff is nothing but dead skin mixed with sebum (normal oil secreted from scalp) and fungus (malessezia furfur). This fungus is normally found on healthy scalp . Growth of fungus leads to more dead skin, acidic pH and more white flakes.White flakes can be either loose i.e whenever combing or fingers are waved in hair white powder or flakes start coming out of scalp and can be seen over eyebrows, moustache and beard. In some severe cases we can see fungus growth over back of chest and scalp too.How to control the fungus Combing daily in morning with firm pressure before getting out of bed. Think of coming as if your brooming your courtyard. Try to remove as much durt as possible with the help of comb. Remember you need not be very gentle and you need not be very harsh also. Your pressure should be firm enough to remove the dead fungus only. While taking bath take due consideration that as far as possible use soft water to wash your head. If you are not able to get soft water than keep a bucket of water overnight in the bathroom undisturbed and next day use upper to 2 to 3 litres of water to wash your head without disturbing rest of the water in bucket Use anti dandruff shampoo as instructed. If you have been instructed to use only shampoo then keep that shampoo on your scalp for at least 20 minutes before head wash and then wash and rinse your head. For additional benefit you can use new gro chemical free shampoo to wash your head prior to anti dandruff shampoo.if you have been suggested to use a lotion along with shampoo then it is advised that apply lotion at night time and add 10 to 12 drops of lemon to that lotion while applying on the scalp. Keep that lotion overnight on the scalp and next day morning wash as suggested with anti dandruff shampoo. Remember if you are suffering from hair loss thenhair loss serum must have been told to you. In that case first apply and the hair loss serum and wait for approximately 30 minutes and over that serum without washing apply and dandruff lotion overnight next day morning wash it with the shampoo as suggested. As I have already explain that dandruff is nothing but collection of your secreted hair serum naturally along with fungus and dead skin. So it is always advisable not to use routine hair oils while you are treating your dandruff issue. Unless and until you are facing breakage of hair due to dry and brittle hair strands don’t use oil. In case of extreme dryness and roughness of hair you can do to availing after 1 hour of applying anti hair fall serum in spite of applying anti dandruff lotion. Frequency of use for anti dandruff treatment.If you are having severe dandruff that is firmly adherent or attached to your scalp in form of hard layer, then you need to use initial lotion along with morning shampoo almost daily. Once the dandruff condition is under control and only flakes of dandruff the present on the hair strands then you can reduce frequency to 2 days. Give break of two days between application of anti dandruff treatment.Most important point to remember while treating dandruff is that, dandruff is not a skin disease particularly,we can consider dandruff to be a lifestyle disease that can be a result of our unhealthy eating, stressful conditions and poor hygiene of the scalp. So modify and lifestyle can be of much greater help as compared to changing medications repeatedly or shifting from one doctor to other.It may not be possible to eradicate dandruff completely but it is very much possible to control the dandruff. After the initial treatment for 3 to 4 months you may increase or decrease the frequency of anti dandruff treatment depending upon the control you have achieved. It may not be possible to completely stop the treatment and stay seborrbea free.

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General instructions for hair fall

             Instructions for use of medicines . Once you get up in morning first thing you should do is to comb or brush or comb your scalp. Hair brush or round comb is preferably used. As there are multiple bristles ,one stroke means lots of strokes on scalp. Do approx 20 to 25 strokes before getting out of bed. 2. Taking bath.        Preferably  use soft water to clean your scalp. Use sles and sls free shampoo. If there is dandruff or seborrhea than Instructions are different. Check out the relevant section.After bath it’s mandatory to dry up the scalp . You can use a hair dryer or a cotton towel to dry the scalp. Once the scalp is dry apply serum as advised. 1 ML. of serum is to be applied over the scalp. Use 2 fingers to spread the serum all over the scalp. If not told specifically than apply serum only on top of scalp. Once dry … comb and than continue with your day.At night before going to bed again take the comb do 20 strokes and apply serum on same area. Go to sleep and repeat next day.

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Hair loss treatment options

           Hair loss/hair fall is something that everyone has to experience at some point of time in life. To some extent hair, fall is normal. when I say normalThen this may too vary from person to person.we usually lose approx 5 percent of hair in a day. People having very high natural density tend to lose more than compared to people who have low natural density. Similarly, there is a difference between hair fall if we compare genders females have more hair on their scalp compared to men. So females have more hair loss as compared to males at any given time.Hair has to go through a complete cycle of growth, hair fall, the resting phase, and then there is regrowth from the same follicle or hair root.If this cycle of hair growth continues at a steady pace, things remain fine. If somehow there is a decrease in the blood supply of the scalp or there is some nutritional weakness, the growth cycle gets disturbed and every new hair coming out from the root is weaker than compared to the earlier one.Everyone has their own normal pace of hair fall.for some this maybe around 10 hair strands per day. For others, this may be around 20 or more. Hair fall, we notice around 19 to 20 hrs of age is a baseline hair fall anything above this must be considered abnormal.Old school thinking of 100 hair strand loss a day is absolutely not to be followed.Any increase in your hair fall is to be taken seriously and the right diagnosis is a must to find the right solution. In earlier days not many options were available. The only medicines we had at our disposal were minoxidil and finasteride.If you too are suffering from any kind of hair fall then there is good news. Now we have a full range of medicines ???? available to us. These medicines range from the best nutrition supplements to scalp nourishes and ph corrector. There are many therapies that work at different levels and phases of hair growth.To name them1. Mesotherapy is one treatment that helps deliver medicines directly at the level of the scalp near the hair roots.2. Low-level laser light therapy. Laser energy is delivered at a particularly high frequency and dose to the scalp at the dermal level. Helps increase hair vitality by slowing down the apoptosis or cell death at the level of hair roots.3. Hf therapy. High-frequency electric current at very low current and very high voltage is applied to the scalp surface. This kills bad bacteria and fungus on the surface, resorts scalp ph, and help improve vascularity.4. growth factor treatment treatment: The Individual’s own platelets are separated from whole blood and are reinjected into scalp again. Platelets being the best healers in the body attracts healing cells and help construct new blood vessels at the level of hair roots.5. Hair transplant when there is hair loss to the extent that no chance of hair revival is possible with therapies or medicines, hair transplant is the only option left.

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